Five-in-oneness temperature and humidity meterFLIR MR77 has all the configurations needed for water repair or HVAC maintenance: A probe-free temperature andContact Now
Bluetooth spherical probe temperature and humidity meterFLIR MR59 is a probe-free measuring instrument with wireless connectivity that makes it easy to view mobile deContact Now
Bluetooth probe type temperature and humidity meterFLIR MR55 is a probe measuring instrument with wireless connectivity that makes it easy to view mobile device Contact Now
Infrared windowThe FLIR infrared window adds a barrier between you and your live device to protect you from an arc flash acciContact Now
Insulation testerFLIR IM75 is an advanced multi-functional digital multimeter and a handheld insulation tester for professionalContact Now
Lighting Humidity PenFLIR MR40 is a rugged portable single-range dual-probe temperature and humidity meter with built-in lighting fContact Now
Technical type temperature and humidity meterFLIR MR160 uses infrared imaging guided measurement (IGM) technology to help you quickly locate humidity issueContact Now
Industrial grade Real effective value digital multimeterFLIR DM93 Digital multimeter has variable frequency filtering capabilities to help you accurately analyze abnoContact Now
Infrared imaging real effective value digital multimeterDM166 is currently an affordable digital multimeter for built-in infrared imaging sensors-a must-have tool forContact Now
Universal Flexible current probeFLIR TA72 can effectively extend the performance of existing instrumentation, simplify operations, and obtain Contact Now
Flexible clamp TableFLIR CM57 is ergonomic and designed to simplify complex current measurement operations. FLIR CM57 is clamped iContact Now
True valid value digital clamp tableFLIR CM46 Clamp watches are designed for electrical personnel in business buildings and residential buildings.Contact Now